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首頁 > 四川大學華西醫院 > 精神心理科 李濤




執業經歷: 李濤,女,博士,研究員,精神病學博士生導師。國家杰出青年科學基金獲得者。 1987畢業于華西醫科大學,獲醫學學士學位,同年留華西醫科大學附一院工作,任住院醫師。1994年獲華西醫科大學精神科博士學位,畢業后任華西醫科大學附一院精神科主治醫師1995-1996年赴英國倫敦大學精神病研究所遺傳研究室作為訪問學者開展國際合作研究,1997年再次赴英國倫敦大學精神病研究所遺傳研究室進行博士后研究工作,1998年至今任英國倫敦大學精神病研究所遺傳研究室講師。1998-2000年任四川大學華西醫院精神科副研究員,2000年晉升為研究員,現任四川大學華西醫院心理衛生中心主任和精神醫學研究室主任、博士生導師,擁有臨床精神病學(中國)和遺傳學(英國)雙博士學位。多年來潛心致力于精神疾病的病因學研究,特別是在探索精神分裂癥的分子遺傳機制方面取得了一些重要的研究成果,如在國際上率先報導COMT基因與精神分裂癥的發病相關。近幾年來開展了大量以精神分裂癥為代表的精神疾病遺傳生物表型和分子遺傳的研究工作,從大腦結構、功能和生化代謝等角度全面探討高級認知活動的神經生物學基礎及其與精神疾病的關系,系統分析基因與疾病及其生物遺傳標記的關系。李濤教授作為項目負責人先后承擔了20多項國家級和國際科研項目,共發表SCI引用論文70余篇。先后于1997年獲中國衛生部頒發的“吳階平醫學研究獎和保羅.楊森藥學研究獎精神病學專業三等獎”、2001年獲中共中央組織部、人事部、中國科學技術協會聯合頒發的第七屆“中國杰出青年科學家獎”、2002年獲國家自然基金委享有盛譽的“國家杰出青年科學基金”、2005年獲中華全國婦女聯合會、中國科學技術協會、中國聯合國教科文組織全國委員會、歐萊雅中國聯合頒發的第二屆“中國女青年科學家獎”、 2006年入選四川省人民政府“四川省學術和技術帶頭人”、2008年獲教育部自然科學一等獎(排名第一)、2008年獲教育部創新團隊(帶頭人)及2009年獲教育部長江學者特聘教授稱號。   【任職】   中國神經科學學會精神病學臨床與基礎專委會常委,中華醫學會精神病學分會委員;中華醫學遺傳學雜志編委,四川大學學報(醫學版)編委   【研究方向】   精神疾病的生物學機制研究   現任職務:   精神醫學實驗室主任,心理衛生中心主任   現任職稱:   主任醫師,博士生導師,研究員。   科研成果:   自1991年以來,作為項目主要負責人或主要執行人共參加國家自然科學基金資助課題10項,國家教委博士點基金資助課題4項,CMB資助課題2項,衛生部杰出人材基金資助課題1項,973課題1項。2002年獲國家自然科學基金委杰出青年基金課題資。目前已在國內外雜志上發表論文80多篇,其中SCI引用的論文50多篇。參編專業參考書章節四篇。   發表論文情況   一、在國際學術期刊上發表的論文   1. L Yang, Tao Li, C Wiese, L Lannfelt, P Sokoloff, CT Xu, Z Zeng, JC Schwartz, XH Liu, HW Moises, No Association between schizophrenia and homozygosity at the D3 dopamine receptor gene. Am J Med Genetic (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 1993; 48:83   2. Tao Li, L Yang, C Wiese, CT Xu, Z Zeng, B Giros, MG Caron, HW Moises, XH Liu, No association between alleles or genotypes at the dopamine transporter gene and schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research 1994; 52:17   3. Hans W Moises, Liu Yang, Tao Li, Bent Havsteen, Rolf Fimmers, Max P. Baur, Xiehe Liu, Irving I Gottesman, Potential linkage disequilibrium between schizophrenia and locus D22S278 on the long arm of chromosome 22. Am J Med Genetic (Neuro-psychiatric Genetics) 1995; 60:465   4. Chromosome 22 Collaborative Linkage Group, A combined analysis of D22S278 marker alleles in affected sib-pairs: Support for a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia at chromosome 22q12. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 1996: 67:40-45.   5. Tao Li, H Vallada, R Bell, X Liu, T Xie, DA Collier, CNTF and psychiatric disorders. Nature Genetics, [Correspondence] 1996; 13:143.   6. DA Collier, MJ Arranz, P Sham, S Battersby, P Gill, KJ Aitchison, M Sodhi, Tao Li, B Smith, J Morton, RM Murry, D Smith, G Kirov (1996) The serotonin transporter is a potential susceptibility gene for bipolar affective disorder. Neuroreport, 1996; 7:1675.   7. Tao Li, PC Sham, HP Vallada, T Xie, X Tang, X Liu, DA Collier, (1996) Preferential transmission of the high activity allele of COMT in schizophrenia. Psychiatric Genetics, 1996; 6:131   8. DA Collier, G Stober, T Li, A Heils, M Catalano, D Di Bella, MJ Arranz, RM Murray, HP Vallada, D Bengel, CR Muller, GW Roberts, E Smeraldi, G Kirov, P Sham and KP Lesch, A novel functional polymorphism within the promoter of the serotonin transporter gene: possible role in susceptibility to affective disorders. Molecular Psychiatry; 1996; 1: 453-460   9. Tao Li, Clive Holmer, Pak Sham, Joe Birkett, George Kirov, K Peter Lesch, John Powell, Simon Lovestone, David Collier, Allelic functional variation of serotonin transporter expression is a susceptibility factor for late onset disease. Neuroreport 1997; 8(3): 683-686   10. Tao Li, Homero Vallade, Davis Curtis, Maria Arranzc, Ke Xu, Guiqing Cai, Hong Deng, Jun Liu Robin Murray, Xiehe Liu and David Collier. Catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism: frequency analysis in Han Chinese subjects and allelic association of the low activity allele with bipolar affective disorder. Phamacogenetics 1997; 7: 349-353   11. Tao Li, Ke Xu, Hong Deng, Guiqing Cai, Jun Liu, Xiehe Liu, Rongan Wang, Xiaoyong Xiang, Jinghua Zhao, Robin M Murray, Pak C Sham and David A Collier. Association analysis of the dopamine D4 gene exon III VNTR and heroin abuse in Chinese subjects. Molecular Psychiatry 1997; 2:413-416   12. David A Collier, Maria J Arranz, Tao Li, Dennis Mupita, Nigel Brown, Janet Treasure. Association between 5-HT2a gene promoter polymorphism and anorexia nervosa. Lancet 1997; 350:412.   13. Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, Ying Hu and Fuming Sheng. Segregation analysis on bipolar affective disorder. Arch of Shanghai Psychiatry 1997; (New)9: 1-2 (in Chinese)   14. H Kunugi, HP Vallada, PC Sham, F Hoda, MJ Arranz, T Li, S Nanko, RM Murray, P McGuffin, M Owen, M Gill, DA Collier. Catechol-O-methyltransferase polymorphisms and schizophrenia: a transmission disequilibrium study in multiply affected families. Psychiatric Genetics 1997; 7(3): 97-101   15. Tao Li, Homero P Vallada, Xiehe Liu, Tao Xie, Xiangdong Tang, Jinghua Zhao, Michael C O Donovan, Robin m Murray, Pak C Sham and David A Collier. Analysis of CAG/CTG repeat size in Chinese subjects with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder using the repeat expansion detection method. Biological Psychiatry 1998; 44(11): 1160-1165   16. Treasure, J., Collier, D A., Arranz, M J., Li, T., and Mupita, D., Selective serotonin reputake inhibitors in anorexia nervosa. Lancet 1998; 350: 1033-1034.   17. Tao Li, Maria J Arranz, Katherino J Aitchison, Catherine Bryant, Xiehe Liu, Robert W Kerwin, Robin M Murray, Pak Sham, David A Collier. Case-control, haplotype relative risk and transmission disequilibrium analysis of a dopamine D2 receptor functional promoter polymorphism in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 1998; 32: 87-92   18. Li, T., Hu, X., Chandy, G.K., Fantion, E., Kalman, K., Gutman, G., Gargus, J.J., Freeman, B.F., Murray, R.M., Dawson, E., Liu, X., Bruinvels, A.T., Sham, P.C., and Collier, D.A., Transmission disequilibrium analysis of a triplet repeat within the hkCa3 gene using family trios with schizophrenia. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 1998; 251: 662-665   19. Maria J. Arranz, Tao Li, J. Munro, X. Liu, Robin Murray, David A Collier and R.W. Kerwin, Lack of association between a polymorphism in the promoter region of the dopamine–2 receptor gene and clozapine response. Pharmacogenetics 1998, 8: 481-484   20. He_L, Li_T, Melville_C, Liu_S, Feng_GY, Gu_NF, Fox_H, Shaw_D, Breen_G, Liu_XH, Sham_P, Brown_J, Collier_D, StClair_D. 102T/C polymorphism of serotonin receptor type 2A gene is not associated with schizophrenia in either Chinese or British Populations. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 1999, 88(1): 95-98   21. Gerome Breen, John Brown, David Collier, Sophia Maud, Helen Fox, Tao Li, Duncan Shaw and David St. Clair. The -141C Del/Ins polymorphism of the dopamine receptor 2 gene is associated with schizophrenia in a British population. Am J Med Genetics 1999; 88(4): 407-410   22. Sharon Marsh, Elaina S.R. Collie-Duguid, Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, and Howard L. Mcleod. Ethnic variation in the thymidylate synthase enhancer region polymorphism among Caucasian and Asian populations. Genomics 1999; 58: 310-312   23. Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, Pak C Sham, Katherine J Aitchison, Guiqing Cai, Maria J Arrianz, Hong Deng, Jun Liu, George Kirov, Robin M Murray, David A Collier. Association analysis between dopamine receptor genes and bipolar affective disorder. Psychiatry Research 1999; 86: 193-201   24. G Green, P Sham, T Li, D Shaw, D A Collier and D St Clair. Accuracy and sensitivity of DNA pooling with microsatellite repeats using capillary electrophoresis. Molecular and Cellular Probes 1999; 13: 359-365   25. T Li, G. Breen, J. Brown, R. M. Murray, D.J. Shaw, P.C. Sham, D. St Clair and D.A. Collier. No evidence of linkage disequilibrium between a CAG repeat in the SCA1 gene and schizophrenia in Caucasian and Chinese schizophrenia subjects. Psychiatric Genetics 1999; 9(3): 123-127   26. Collie-Duguid ESR, Pritchard S C, Poerie R H, Sludden J, Collier D A, Li T, McLeod H L. The frequency and distribution of thiopurine methyltransferase alleles in Caucasian and Asian population. Pharmacogenetics 1999; 9(1): 37-42   27. A.J. Makoff, J.M. Graham, M.J. Arranz, J. Forsyth, T.Li, K.J. Aitchison, S.Shaikh and R. A. Grunewald. Association study of dopamine receptor gene polymoprhisms with drug-induced hallucinations in patients with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Pharmacogenetics 2000; 10: 43-48   28. Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, Zuo-Hong Zhu, Jinghua Zhao, Xun Hu, David M Ball, Pak C Sham and David A Collier. No association between (AAT)n repeats in the cannabinoid receptor gene (CNR1) and heroin abuse in a Chinese population. Molecular Psychiatry 2000; 5(2): 128-130   29. Tao Li, David Ball, Jinghua Zhao, Robin M Murray, Xiehe Liu, Pak C Sham, and David A Collier. Family-based linkage disequilibrium mapping using SNP marker haplotypes: application to a potential locus for schizophrenia at chromosome 22q11. Molecular Psychiatry 2000; 5: 77-84   30. Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, Zhu Zuo Hong, Jing Hua Zhao, Xun Hu, Pak C Sham and David A Collier. Association analysis of polymorphisms in the mu opioid gene and heroin abuse in the Chinese subjects. Addiction Biology 2000; 5: 181-186   31. Tao Li, Zuo-Hong Zhu, Xiehe Liu, jinghua Zhao, Pak C Sham and David A Collier. Association analysis of polymorphisms in the DRD4 gene and heroin abuse in the Chinese subjects. Am J Med Genetics 2000; 96:616-621   32. Li, T, Underhill, J, Liu XH, Sham PC, Donaldson, P, Murray RM, Wright, P and Collier DA. Transmission disequilibrium analysis of HLA class ii DRB1, DQA1, DQB1 and DPB1 POLYMORPHISMS IN schizophrenia using FAMILY trios FROM a HAN Chinese population. Schizophrenia Research 2001; 49(1-2): 73-78   33. Guiqing Cai, Tao Li, Hong Deng, Jinghua Zhao, Xun Hu, Robin Murray, Xiehe Liu, Pak Sham and David Collier. Affected sibling pair linkage analysis of qualitative and quantitative traits for schizophrenia on chromosome 22 in a Chinese population. Am J Med Genetics. 2001; 105 (4): 321-327   34. Margaret-Mary Ameyaw , Fernando Regateiro, Tao Li, Xiehe Liu , Mohammed Tariq, Abeer Mobarek, Nadia Thornton, Gbolahan O. Folayan, Jessie Githang'a , Anne Indalo, David Ofori-Adjei, David A. Price-Evans and Howard L. McLeod MDR1 pharmacogenetics: frequency of the C3435T mutation in exon 26 is significantly influenced by ethnicity. Pharmacogenetics 2001, 11:217-221   35. Ralf M. Frieboes , Hans W. Moises, Wagner F. Gattaz , Liu Yang, Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, Peter Vetter, Fabio Macciardi, Hai G. Hwu, Fritz Henn. Lack of association between schizophrenia and the phospholipase-A2 genes cPLA2 and sPLA2. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 2001, 105(3): 246-249   36. Tao Li, Xiehe Liu, Jinghua Zhao, Xun Hu, David M Ball, El-Wui Loh, Pak C Sham and David A Collier. Allelic association analysis of the 2 receptors, and the serotonin transporter?dopamine D2, D3, 5-HT2a and GABA genes with heroin abuse in Chinese subjects. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics) 2002,114: 329-335.   37. Peng R, Gou Y, Yuan Q, Li T, Latsoudis H, Yuan G, Luo D, Liu X, Collier DA. Mutation screening and association analysis of the parkin gene in Parkinson's disease patients from South-west china. Eur Neurol. 2003;49(2):85-9.   38. Shi J, Zhang S, Ma C, Liu X, Li T, Tang M, Han H, Guo Y, Zhao J, Zheng K, Kong X, Zhang K, Su Z, Zhao Z. Association between apolipoprotein CI HpaI polymorphism and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese. Acta Neurol Scand, 2004, 109 (2): 140-145.   39. Shi J, Zhang S, Tang M, Liu X, Li T, Han H, Wang Y, Guo Y, Zhao J, Li H, Ma C. Possible association between Cys311Ser polymorphism of paraoxonase 2 gene and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese. Brain Res Mol Brain Res, 2004, 120 (2): 201-204.   40. Shi J, Zhang S, Tang M, Liu X, Li T, Wang Y, Han H, Guo Y, Hao Y, Zheng K, Kong X, Su Z, Tong Y, Ma C. The 1239G/C polymorphism in exon 5 of BACE1 gene may be associated with sporadic Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese Hans. Am J Med Genet, 2004, 124B: 54-57.   41. Yi Huang, Tao Li, Yun Wang, Jawaid Ansar, Guo Lanting, Xiehe Liu, Jing Hua Zhao, Xun Hu, Pak C Sham and David Collier. Linkage disequilibrium analysis of polymorphisms in the gene for Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein in Tourette Syndrome patients from a Chinese Sample. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics). 2004, 124(1):76-80   42. Tao Li, Chiken Chen, Xun Hu, David Ball, Shih-Ku Lin, Wai Chen1, Pak C Sham, El-Wui Loh, Robin M. Murray, David A Collier. Association study between DRD4 and COMT genes and Methamphetamine Abuse in a Chinese Population. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics). 2004, 129B(1):120-4   43. Tao Li, Xiaohong Ma, Pak Sham, Xueli Sun, Xun Hu, Qiang Wang, Huaqing Meng, Wei Deng, Xiehe Liu, Robin Murray and David A Collier. Evidence for association between novel polymorphisms in the PRODH gene and schizophrenia in a Chinese population. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics). 2004 129B(1):13-5   44. T Li, H Stefansson, E Gudfinnsson, G Cai, X Liu, RM Murray, V Steinthorsdottir, D Januel, VG Gudnadottir, H Petursson, A Ingason, JR Gulcher, K Stefansson and DA Collier. Identification of a novel neuregulin 1 at-risk haplotype in Han schizophrenia Chinese patients, but no association with the Icelandic/Scottish risk haplotype. Molecular Psychiatry. 2004, 9(7): 698-704   45. Yu L, Li T, Robertson Z, Dean J, Gu NF, Feng GY, Yates P, Sinclair M, Crombie C, Collier DA, Walker N, He L, St Clair D. No association between polymorphisms of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene and schizophrenia in both Chinese and Scottish populations. Mol Psychiatry. 2004; 9:1063-5   46. Raymond C.K. Chan, Ronald Y.L. Chen, Eric Y.H. Chen, Tomy C.K. Hui, Eric F.C. Cheung, H.K. Cheung, Pak Sham, Tao Li, and David Collier. The differential clinical and neurocognitive profiles of COMT SNP rs165599 genotypes in schizophrenia. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. 2005; 11: 1–3.   47. Tao Li, Feng Zhang, Xiehe Liu, Xueli Sun, Pak C Sham, Caroline Crombie, Xiaohong Ma, Qiang Wang Huaqing Meng, Wei Deng, Phil Yates, Xun Hu, Nicholas Walker, Robin M Murray, David A Collier and David St Clair. Identifying potential risk haplotypes for schizophrenia at DTNBP1 locus in Han Chinese and Scottish populations. Molecular Psychiatry. 2005;10: 1037-1044   48. Zhang F, St Clair D, Liu X, Sun X, Sham PC, Crombie C, Ma X, Wang Q, Meng H, Deng W, Yates P, Hu X, Walker N, Murray RM, Collier DA, Li T. Association analysis of the RGS4 gene in Han Chinese and Scottish populations with schizophrenia. Genes Brain Behav. 2005; 4(7):444-8.   49. Michael E. Talkowski, Howard Seltman, Anne S. Bassett, Linda M. Brzustowicz, Xiangning Chen, Kodavali V. Chowdari, David A. Collier, Quirino Cordeiro, Aiden P. Corvin, Smita N. Deshpande, Michael F. Egan, Michael Gill, Kenneth S. Kendler5, George Kirov, Leonard L. Heston, Pat Levitt, David A. Lewis, Tao Li, Karoly Mirnics, Derek W. Morris, Nadine Norton, Michael C. O’Donovan, Michael J. Owen, Christian Richard, Prachi Semwal, Janet L. Sobell1, David St Clair1, Richard E. Straub, Thelma B.K., Homero Vallada, Daniel R. Weinberger, Nigel M. Williams, Joel Wood, Feng Zhang, Bernie Devlin, and Vishwajit L. Nimgaonkar. Evaluation of a susceptibility gene for schizophrenia: genotype based metaanalysis of RGS4 polymorphisms from thirteen independent samples. Biological Psychiatry. 2006 Accepted for publication.   50. Prata DP, Breen G, Munro J, Sinclair M, Osborne S, Li T, Kerwin R, St Clair D, Collier DA. Bipolar 1 disorder is not associated with the RGS4, PRODH, COMT and GRK3 genes. Psychiatr Genet. 2006 Dec;16(6):229-30.   51. Breen G, Prata D, Osborne S, Munro J, Sinclair M, Li T, Staddon S, Dempster D, Sainz R, Arroyo B, Kerwin RW, St Clair D, Collier D. Association of the dysbindin gene with bipolar affective disorder. Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Sep;163(9):1636-8.   52. Xiaohong Ma, Qiang Wang, Pak C Sham, Xiehe Liu, Sophia Rabe-Hesketh, Xueli Sun, Junmei Hu, Huaqing Meng, Wai Chen, Eric YH Chen, Wei Deng, Raymond CK Chan, Robin M Murray, David A Collier and Tao Li. Neurocognitive deficits in first-episode schizophrenic patients and their first-degree relatives. American Journal of Medical Genetics (Neuropsychiatric Genetics). 2006 Accepted for publication.   53. Qiang Wang, Raymond Chan, Jinhua Sun, Jing Yao, Wei Deng, Xueli Sun, Xiehe Liu, Pak C Sham, Xiaohong Ma, Huaqing Meng, Robin M Murray, David A Collier and Tao Li. Reaction time of the Continuous Performance Test is an endophenotypic marker for schizophrenia: A study of first-episode neuroleptic-na?ve schizophrenia, their non-psychotic first-degree relatives and healthy population controls. Schizophrenia Research 2006 (in Press)   二、在國內學術期刊上發表的論文   1. 李濤, 劉協和, 胡應, 沈福民: 雙相情感性障礙的分離分析 上海精神醫學 1997; 9(1):1-2   2. 李濤, 劉協和, 胡 應: 多巴胺轉運體基因與雙相情感障礙 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 1996;13(5):273-277   3. 李濤, 劉協和: 雙相情感障礙家系調查報告 中華精神科雜志 1996; 29(3):140/143   4. 李濤, 劉協和, 胡 應等: 遺傳和教育撫養因素在雙相情感障礙發病中的作用 上海精神醫學 1995; 新 7(3):176-178   5. 張嵐,劉協和,李濤,等。強迫癥藥物療效與六個功能基因的分子藥理遺傳學研究。中華醫學遺傳學雜志。2004年,21(5):479-481   6. 張嵐,劉協和,李濤,等。不同發病年齡強迫癥患者6種功能基因的分子遺傳學研究。中華精神科雜志。2004年,37(4):198-201   7. 王強,孫學禮,李濤,等。首發精神分裂癥患者及其親屬的P300與兒茶酚氧位甲基轉移酶基因的相關性研究,中華精神科雜志,2004;37(2):123。   8. 馬小紅,王強,孫學禮,李濤等,首發精神分裂癥神經認知功能的遺傳學分析。中華精神科雜志,2004;37(3):140-144。   9. 馬小紅,王英成,王強,李濤等,首發精神分裂癥臨床表現與22號染色體上可能候選基因的關聯分析。中華精神科雜志,2004;37(3):145-148。   10. 馬小紅、王英成、李濤、黃 頤、劉協和、吳 斌、師建國:不同年齡雙相情感性精神障礙患者與多巴胺D2、兒茶酚氧位甲基轉移酶基因多態性的關聯分析 中華精神科雜志 2003;36(1):21-24   11. 馬小紅、周 琴、李濤、王英成、黃 頤、孫學禮、劉協和、師建國、吳 斌:雙相情感障礙與DRD3、DRD2和COMT基因多態性的關聯分析. 中國神經精神疾病雜志. 2003;29(2):84-87   12. 曹莉萍、李濤、劉協和:海洛因依賴與多巴胺D2受體基因的關聯分析 中華精神科雜志 2003; 36(1):31-33   13. 曹莉萍、李濤、劉協和:海洛因依賴與兒茶酚胺氧位甲基轉移酶基因的關聯研究中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2003;20(2):127-130   14. 黃 頤、劉協和、許 珂、李曉帆、李濤:精神分裂癥患者細胞色素P450 2D6酶基因多態性與利培酮治療效應的關系 中華精神科雜志 2002;35(2):103-106   15. 曹莉萍、李濤、劉協和:海洛因依賴與多巴胺D4受體基因的關聯分析 中國神經精神疾病雜志 2002; 28(1):60   16. 黃 頤、劉協和、李濤等:多巴胺D4受體第3外顯子48bp 可變重復序列多態性與抽動障礙的傳遞不平衡檢測 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2001;19(2):100-103   17. 蔡貴慶、伍新堯、李濤、David A. Collier、劉協和、馮炳建、鄧紅、童大躍、 李建金、區敬華:家族性精神分裂癥的定量性狀與1號染色體的連鎖分析 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2002;19(4):281-284   18. 蔡貴慶、伍新堯、李濤、David A. Collier、劉協和、馮炳建、鄧 紅、童大躍、李建金、區敬華:中國人群中家族性精神分裂癥與1號染色體的連鎖分析 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2002; 19(6):491-494   19. 曹莉萍、李濤、許 珂、劉協和:海洛因依賴與兒茶酚胺氧位甲基轉移酶基因-287 A/G 多態性的關聯研究 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2002; 19(6):499-501   20. 彭 蓉、茍嬰如、袁 強、李濤、袁光固、羅德儒、劉協和、David A. Collier: 多巴胺D2受體基因啟動子多態性與帕金森病的關聯研究 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2002; 19(6):524-525   21. 黃 頤、劉協和、李濤等:5-HT 102T/C 多態性與Tourette綜合征的病例對照及核心家系關聯分析 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2001; 18(1):11-13   22. 曹莉萍、李濤、許珂、劉協和:自殺未遂與5-羥色胺2A受體基因的關聯分析. 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2001;18(3):195-197   23. 蔡貴慶、鄧紅、李濤、劉協和:精神分裂癥受累同胞臨床特征的研究 臨床精神醫學雜志 2001;11(4):232-235   24. 蔡貴慶、李濤、鄧 紅、吳梅筠、劉協和、David A. Collier: 中國人群中精神分裂癥與22號染色體的連鎖不平衡研究 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2001;18(5):335-337   25. 曹莉萍、李濤、許珂、劉協和:自殺未遂與5-羥色胺2A受體基因的關聯分析. 中華醫學遺傳學雜志 2001;18(3):195-197   26. 蔡貴慶、鄧紅、李濤、劉協和:精神分裂癥受累同胞臨床特征的研究 臨床精神醫學雜志 2001;11(4):232/235   27. 唐牟尼,李濤,劉協和,韓海英,唐銘民,Collier DA: 載脂蛋白E、5-羥色胺轉運體基因多態性與阿爾茨海默病的關聯分析 中華精神科雜志 2000;33(3):145-148   三.參編章節   1. 李 濤,精神疾病的遺傳。楊徳森主編: 精神病學基礎。湖南科技出版社1994   2. 李 濤,情感障礙的遺傳研究。姚芳傳主編:情感性精神障礙。湖南科技出版社1998   3. 趙京華,李濤,Pak Chung Sham。連鎖分析和關聯分析。賀林主編:解碼生命:人類基因組計劃和后基因組計劃。科學出版社2000   4. David A Collier, Tao Li. Genetic epidemiology 2: Molecular Genetics. IN: Prince et al. ed. Practical Psychiatric Epidemiology. Oxford University Press. 2003 詳細介紹

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