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執業經歷:   國家“杰出青年基金項目獲得者”,科技部 “中青年領軍人才”,廣東省“珠江學者特聘教授”,教育部“新世紀優秀人才”,廣東省“千百十人才”,中華醫學會“中華腫瘤明日之星”。   主要運用分子腫瘤學和實驗病理學等相關技術,進行多種人類實體腫瘤惡性分子表型的調控與蛋白修飾及腫瘤侵襲轉移和分子診斷標記物的研究。近20年來,先后主持國家和部省級等科研課題20余項;在腫瘤學領域的相關主流學術(SCI收錄)雜志上共發表SCI論著159篇,其中通訊/共同通訊作者論著76篇,第一/共同第一作者論著15篇,累計影響因子(IF)900多分, 許多論著發表在Lancet Oncol, Gut, Cancer Res, Oncogene, Clin Cancer Res, Plos Genetics, J Phathol, Ann Oncol等高影響力的腫瘤學主流雜志上;共申報腫瘤診斷標志物相關的專利5項。   招生學科:1) 腫瘤學(臨床學科),2)病理學(基礎醫學),3)分子醫學 (基礎學科)   研究方向:1. 惡性腫瘤侵襲轉移分子機制   2. 腫瘤標志物和早期診斷   3. 腫瘤分子分型和基因治療   聯系電話:020-87343193; Email: xiedan@sysucc.org.cn   【教育背景】   2001.08-2004.07 香港大學-醫學院,臨床腫瘤學系博士學位   1993.09-1996.07 中山大學-中山醫學院,病理學系碩士學位   1986.09-1991.07 中南大學-湘雅醫學院,臨床醫學系本科   【工作經歷】   2007.12-至今 中山大學腫瘤防治中心,教授,博士生導師,華南腫瘤學國家重點實驗室,課題組長(PI)   2005.05-2007.12 中山大學腫瘤防治中心,副教授,博士生導師(2006.10)   2004.08-2005.05 中山大學中山醫學院,副教授,碩士生導師   1999.09-2001.07 香港大學醫學院,研究助理(Research associate)   1996.07-1999.09 中山大學中山醫學院,助教、講師   【主要學術兼職】   國家自然科學基金委-腫瘤學科組,二審專家   中國抗癌協會癌轉移學會-青年委員會,副主任委員   廣東省抗癌協會癌轉移學會,副主任委員   中華醫學會腫瘤學分會-青年委員會,委員   《Chin J Cancer Res》,《Chin J Cancer》和《Open J Gastroenterol》,編委   《中華醫學研究雜志》和《中華現代內科學雜志》,常務編委   《Cancer Res》,《Oncogene》,《Int J Cancer》和《BMC Cancer》等國際期刊,審稿專家   【代表性論著】 *Corresponding or Senior Author   1.Zhang JX, Song W, Chen ZH, Wei JH, Liao YJ, Lei J, Hu M, Chen GZ, Liao B, Lu J, Zhao HW, Chen W, He YL, Wang HY, Xie D*, Luo JH*. Prognostic and predictive value of a microRNA signature in stage II colon cancer: a microRNA expression analysis. Lancet Oncol. (IF:24.69) 2013 Dec;14(13):1295-306.   2.Zhu W, Cai MY, Tong ZT, Dong SS, Mai SJ, Liao YJ, Bian XW, Lin MC, Kung HF, Zeng YX, Guan XY, Xie D*. Overexpression of EIF5A2 promotes colorectal carcinoma cell aggressiveness by upregulating?MTA1 through c-myc to induce epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Gut. (IF:14.66) 2012;61(4):562-75.   3.Zheng F, Liao YJ, Cai MY, Liu YH, Liu TH, Chen SP, Bian XW, Guan XY, Lin MC, Zeng YX, Kung HF, Xie D*. The putative tumor suppressor microRNA-124 modulates hepatocellular carcinoma cell aggressiveness by repressing ROCK2 and EZH2. Gut. (IF:14.66) 2012;61(2):278-89.   4.Cai MY, Tong ZT, Zheng F, Liao YJ, Wang Y, Rao HL, Chen YC, Wu QL, Liu YH, Guan XY, Lin MC, Zeng YX, Kung HF, Xie D*. EZH2 protein: a promising immunomarker for the detection of hepatocellular carcinomas in liver needle biopsies. Gut. (IF:14.66) 2011;60(7):967-76.   5.Xu C, Xie D (co-first), Yu S, Yang X, He, Yang J, Ping Y, Wang B, Yang L, Xu S, Cui W, Wang Q, Fu W, Liu Q, Qian C, Cui Y, Rich JN, Kung HF, Zhang X*, Bian XW*. A novel complex of β-catenin/POU5F1/SOX2 is responsive and dependent on IGF-1R signaling for prediction of poor prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer Res. (IF: 9.329) 2013 May 15;73(10):3181-9.   6.Qian D, Chen K, Deng H, Rao HL, Huang HQ, Liao YJ, Sun X, Lu S, Yuan Z, Xie D*, Cai Q. MicroRNA-374b suppresses proliferation and promotes apoptosis in T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma by repressing AKT1 and Wnt-16. Clin Cancer Res. (IF:8.722) 2015 Jun 22.. [Epub ahead of print]   7.Tong ZT, Cai MY, Wang XG, Kong LL, Mai SJ, Liu YH, Zhang HB, Liao YJ, Zheng F, Zhu W, Liu TH, Bian XW, Guan XY, Lin MC, Zeng MS, Zeng YX, Kung HF, Xie D*.EZH2 supports nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell aggressiveness by forming a co-repressor complex with HDAC1/HDAC2 and Snail to inhibit E-cadherin. Oncogene. (IF:8.459) 2012;31(5):583-94.   8.Zhang B, Qian D, Ma HH, Jin R, Yang PX, Cai MY, Liu YH, Liao YJ, Deng HX, Mai SH, Zhang H, Zeng YX, Lin MC, Kung HF*, Xie D*, Huang JJ*. Anthyracyclines disrupt telomere maintenance by telomerase through inducing PinX1 ubiquitinization and degradation. Oncogene. (IF:8.459) 2012;31(1):1-12.   9.Zheng F, Liao YJ, Cai MY, Liu TH, Chen SP, Wu PH, Wu L, Bian XW, Guan XY, Zeng YX, Yuan YF, Kung HF, Xie D*. Systemic delivery of microRNA-101 potently inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma in vivo by repressing multiple targets. PLoS Genet. (IF:7.528) 2015 Feb 18;11(2):e1004873   10.Qian D, Zhang B, He LR, Cai MY, Mai SJ, Liao YJ, Liu YH, Lin MC, Bian XW, Zeng YX, Huang JJ, Kung HF, Xie D*. The Telomere/Telomerase Binding Factor PinX1 is a New Target to Improve the Radiotherapy Effect of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinomas. J Pathol. (IF:7.429) 2013 Apr;229(5):765-74.   11. Dai T, Zhang D, Cai M, Wang C, Wu Z, Ying Z, Wu J, Li M, Xie D*, Li J*, Song L*. Golgi phosphoprotein 3 (GOLPH3) promotes hepatocellular carcinoma cell aggressiveness by activating the NF-κB pathway. J Pathol. (IF:7.429) 2015 Feb;235(3):490-501.   12.Zhang JX, Mai SJ, Huang XX, Wang FW, Liao YJ, Lin MC, Kung HF, Zeng YX, Xie D*. MiR-29c mediates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human colorectal carcinoma metastasis via PTP4A and GNA13 regulation of β-catenin signaling. Ann Oncol. (IF:7.04) 2014 Nov;25(11):2196-204.   13.He LR, Zhao HY, Li BK, Zhang LJ, Liu MZ, Kung HF, Guan XY, Bian XW, Zeng YX, Xie D*. Overexpression of AIB1 negatively affects survival of surgically resected non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Ann Oncol. (IF:7.04) 2010;21(8):1675-81.   14.Wang FW, Cai MY, Mai SJ, Chen JW, Bai HY, Li Y, Liao YJ, Li CP, Tian XP, Kung HF, Guan XY, Xie D*. Ablation of EIF5A2 induces tumor vasculature remodeling and improves tumor response to chemotherapy via regulation of matrix metalloproteinase 2 expression. Oncotarget. (IF:6.359) 2014 Aug 30;5(16):6716-33.   15.He LR, Ma NF, Chen JW, Li BK, Guan XY, Liu MZ, Xie D*. CHD1L overexpression is associated with tumor metastasis and poor survival in patients with lung adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget. (IF:6.359) 2015 Aug in press.   16.Tian XP, Qian D, He LR, Huang H, Mai SJ, Li CP, Huang XX, Cai MY, Liao YJ, Kung HF, Zeng YX, Xie D*. The telomere/telomerase binding factor PinX1 regulates paclitaxel sensitivity depending on spindle assembly checkpoint in human cervical squamous cell carcinomas. Cancer Lett. (IF:5.621) 2014 Oct 10;353(1):104-14.   17.Zhang JX, Qian D, Wang FW, Liao DZ, Wei JH, Tong ZT, Fu J, Huang XX, Liao YJ, Deng HX, Zeng YX, Xie D*, Mai SJ*. MicroRNA-29c enhances the sensitivities of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma to cisplatin-based chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Cancer Lett. (IF:5.621) 2013;329(1):91-8.   18.Chen Y, Xie D (co-first), Yin Li W, Man Cheung C, Yao H, Chan CY, Chan CY, Xu FP, Liu YH, Sung JJ, Kung HF*. RNAi targeting EZH2 inhibits tumor growth and liver metastasis of pancreatic cancer in vivo. Cancer Lett. (IF:5.621) 2010;297(1):109-16.   19.Liu J, Cai M, Chen J, Liao Y, Mai S, Li Y, Huang X, Liu Y, Zhang J, Kung H, Zeng Y, Zhou F*, Xie D*. α4 contributes to bladder urothelial carcinoma cell invasion and/or metastasis via regulation of E-cadherin and is a predictor of outcome in bladder urothelial carcinoma patients. Eur J Cancer. (IF:5.417) 2014 Mar;50(4):840-51.   20. An X, Ng SS, Xie D (co-first), Zeng YX, Sze J, Wang J, Chen YC, Chow BK, Lu G, Poon WS, Kung HF, Wong BC, Lin MC*. Functional characterisation of cell cycle-related kinase (CCRK) in colorectal cancer carcinogenesis. Eur J Cancer. (IF:5.417) 2010;46(9):1752-61.   21.Rao ZY, Cai MY, Yang GF, He LR, Mai SJ, Hua WF, Liao YJ, Deng HX, Chen YC, Guan XY, Zeng YX, Kung HF, Xie D*. EZH2 supports ovarian carcinoma cell invasion and/or metastasis via regulation of TGF-{beta}1 and is a predictor of outcome in ovarian carcinoma patients. Carcinogenesis. (IF:5.334) 2010;31(9):1576-83.   22.Zhang JX, Wei J, Lu J, Tong Z, Liao B, Yu B, Zheng F, Huang X, Chen Z, Fang Y, Li B, Chen W, Xie D*, Luo J*. Overexpression of Rab25 contributes to metastasis of bladder cancer through induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and activation of Akt/GSK-3β/Snail signaling. Carcinogenesis. (IF:5.334) 2013 Oct;34(10):2401-8.   23.He LR, Zhao HY, Li BK, Liu YH, Liu MZ, Guan XY, Bian XW, Zeng YX, Xie D*. Overexpression of eIF5A-2 is an adverse prognostic marker of survival in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer patients. Int J Cancer. (IF:5.085) 2011;29(1):143-50.   24.He LR, Liu MZ, Li BK, Jia WH, Zhang Y, Liao YJ, Chen YC, Zhang LJ, Guan XY, Zeng YX, Kung HF, Xie D*. High expression of EZH2 is associated with tumor aggressiveness and poor prognosis in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy. Int J Cancer (IF: 5.085)2010;127(1):138-47.   25.Liao YJ, Bai HY, Li ZH, Zou J, Chen JW, Zheng F, Zhang JX, Mai SJ, Zeng MS, Sun HD, Pu JX, Xie D*. Longikaurin A, a natural ent-kaurane, induces G2/M phase arrest via downregulation of Skp2 and apoptosis induction through ROS/JNK/c-Jun pathway in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cell Death Dis. (IF:5.013) 2014 Mar 20;5:e1137.   26.Jiang L, Dong P, Zhang Z, Li C, Li Y, Liao Y, Li X, Wu Z, Guo S, Mai S, Xie D*, Liu Z, Zhou F. Akt phosphorylates Prohibitin 1 to mediate its mitochondrial localization and promote proliferation of bladder cancer cells. Cell Death Dis. (IF:5.013) 2015 Feb 26;6:e1660.   27.Qian D, Zhang B, Zeng XL, Le Blanc JM, Guo YH, Xue C, Jiang C, Wang HH, Zhao TS, Meng MB, Zhao LJ, Hao JH, Wang P, Xie D*, Lu B, Yuan ZY. Inhibition of human positive cofactor 4 radiosensitizes human esophageal squmaous cell carcinoma cells by suppressing XLF-mediated nonhomologous end joining. Cell Death Dis. (IF:5.013) 2014 Oct 16;5:e1461.   28.Tong ZT, Wei JH, Zhang JX, Liang CZ, Liao B, Lu J, Fan S, Chen ZH, Zhang F, Ma HH, Qian WC, Kong LL, Fang Y, Chen W, Xie D*, Luo JH*. AIB1 predicts bladder cancer outcome and promotes bladder cancer cell proliferation through AKT and E2F1. Br J Cancer. (IF:4.836) 2013 Apr 16;108(7):1470-9.   29.Wang FW, Guan XY, Xie D*. Roles of Eukaryotic Initiation Factor 5A2 in Human Cancer. Int J Biol Sci. (IF:4.509) 2013 Oct 12;9(10):1013-1020.   30.Cai MY, Tong ZT, Zhu W, Wen ZZ, Rao HL, Kong LL, Guan XY, Kung HF, Zeng YX, Xie D*. H3K27me3 Protein is a promising predictive biomarker of patients''survival and chemoradioresistance in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Mol Med. (IF: 4.508) 2011;17 (11-12): 1137-45. 詳細介紹

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